A Rant in History

It's title: Two

The post:

Two. Not to, too, or chew. Just two. Two toddlers talk twice to teachers that think the toddlers touch twizzlers. That sentence has twelve words, ten more then two. Two isn't as lonely as the number one. Which is jealous of two. Two is an even number and goes into all even numbers. Two is twice as much as one. Two is a weird number cuz it has three letters in it and is one digit. Two wants to be any but two. Two doesn't even sound like it should have a "w" in it. Two. To. Two. To. See? Negative two is lame because negative two squared (-2^2) should equal four but when you type it into certain calculators, it comes out as negative four. How dare it. Shame. I'm running out of ideas. We walk on two legs, have two arms, two eyes, two nostrils, two ears, twenty fingers and toes if you include the thumbs, two lots of stuff. Except only one head. First is the worst, second is the best but I think eleven is the coolest. The number two is blah. I'm in a sciencey mood. Chemistry.

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